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2011 Alcohol and Alcoholism Ameisen vs Addolorato

Freitag 8. Juli 2011, 13:39

Letter to the editor, Alcohol and Alcoholism (2011) 46 (4): 503.
Baclofen: What's in a Word? A World of Difference
Olivier Ameisen

Congratulations to you both, dear Jivaro and Federico, first, on a wonderful job and second, for the well deserved first prize which indicates that not only is your work well done, but communicative and inspiring, showing the whole world between the "torture" that abstinence represents and the "effortless gleichgütigheit" that baclofen offers.

PS I am attaching the PDF of my letter to the Editor of Alcohol and Alcoholism that was published a couple of weeks ago in response to Addolorato et al's 2011 paper on baclofen at 60mg/d with as a result (and unsurprisingly so) ... abstinence

Best wishes,
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