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2013 Rolland (Lille) Positives zu Baclofen

Freitag 25. Oktober 2013, 12:51

Ein Leserbrief von Benjamin Polland (Lille) an das Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology aus April 2013 enthält interessante Informationen
(allmählich komplettiert sich das Bild von Baclofen und seinen Wirkmechanismen...) :

Baclofen for Alcohol-Dependence - Anticraving or Partial Substitution?

(Den Volltext erhaltet ihr durch Klick rechts unten)


"In addition, baclofen has the ability to impede the occurrence of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.This is not the case for acamprosate or naltrexone."

"The prescription of a long-term medication like GABA-B agonist baclofen for alcohol-dependent patients could allow some compensation for a pharmacological imbalance that has been initially caused and then maintained by daily alcohol drinking, and which could be partially different from the neurocircuitry of craving."

"... it could be of interest to keep in mind that baclofen might have more specific pharmacological overlaps with ethanol, and that this distinctive feature could explain the possible higher level of efficacy of this drug in alcohol dependence than the usual anticraving medications."

LG, Werner
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